Bimat to Trigger the Growth of Eyelashes
Bimat is a quality and effective manmade form of prostaglandin that is a natural substance that occurs in the human body. Bimatoprost serves an active component of the remedy that is responsible for the positive influence on health. The medication is usually administered as a treatment of hypotrichosis, which is an abnormal growth of eyelashes. Bimat works increasing not only the growth but also darkness, length, and thickness of eyelashes. The medication is frequently used off-label for the treatment of other disorders that are not listed in the safety guide. Talk to your medical specialist before the use of Bimat and make sure the drug will not trigger harmful reactions.
Safety Instructions for the Use of Bimat
Use the drug strictly in accordance with the safety directions and individual recommendations. Your doctor will provide you with an individual prescription based on the severity of the disorder, accompanying health problems and medications you use to manage them. Follow the directions to eliminate possible risks of drug misuse. Do not apply more Bimat than recommended, as the increased dose will not speed up positive changes, but rather cause side effects.
The treatment should be used in the evening. Patients, who are wearing contact lenses, should not apply the drug as the medication may contain a preservative, which discolors soft lenses. Take them out for at least 15 minutes before and after you use Bimat. Learn the medical guides and patient information before you start the application of the treatment. Contact your medical specialist if you have any questions.
The patient should thoroughly wash and dry the face before taking the drug. Use disposable applicators to apply the treatment safely. Use different applicators for different eyes. Apply Bimat straight to the skin of the upper eyelid and avoid its application to the lower one. The treatment course may take up to several months, but the first improvements are likely to appear after 2 months of regular Bimat use. Keep in mind that the effect of the medicine is temporary and the growth of the eyelash will return to the usual level after you stop the use of the remedy. Contact your doctor immediately if any abnormalities have appeared and started bothering you.
Contraindications, Warnings, and Restrictions
Do not use Bimat if you are sensitive to Bimatoprost, other ingredients of the remedy or similar treatments. The drug may lead to a gradual change in the color of your eyelid or eyelashes. The medication is not likely to influence the health of nursing or unborn children, but pregnant and breastfeeding women should apply it cautiously, only after the consultation with the doctor. Bimat should not be given to children without medical advice.
Provide your medical specialist with the details of your current health state, mentioning all the abnormalities and impairments you suffer from. Pay exceptional attention to the following problems:
- Retinal detachment;
- Enhanced pressure in the eyes;
- Glaucoma;
- Infection or swelling in the eye or around it;
- Eye injury or surgery affecting the lens, etc.
Despite Bimat is not likely to interact with other prescription and non-prescription drugs and herbal supplements, it should not be combined with other remedies. Inform the doctor about other treatments you are using to eliminate possible risks.
Side Effects and Reactions to the Misuse of Bimat
Emergency medical assistance is necessary for patients, who have got any signs of allergic reactions or other severe abnormalities triggered by Bimat application. Breathing issues, hives, itching, and swelling are the most common disorders related to the misuse of the drug.
Stop the treatment course and contact your medical specialist if other serious health abnormalities have occurred, especially:
- Vision disorders;
- Halos around light;
- Eye swelling or pain;
- Severe discomfort and redness of the eye;
- Drainage or crusting;
- Itching or burning of the eye;
- Sensitivity to light, etc.
Eye redness and itching are common disorders that may appear as a result of Bimat application. The symptoms are likely to disappear after several applications. Talk to your medical specialist if minor issues do not improve but rather aggravate and activate more serious problems.
Specifications of Online Shopping for Bimat
With the rapid development and increase of the modern pharmaceutical market, an opportunity to purchase Bimat and other drugs online is not new. More and more clients start purchasing the necessary drugs online. What are the benefits of such experience? First of all, the vast majority of drugs that are sold online are generic, which means they do not require a prescription. The customer gets a chance to save time and money on the consultation with the doctor. Instead, a qualified online team will help you to choose the right dose, duration of the treatment course and other specifications necessary for a safe and flawless experience. Easy-to-navigate website, convenient payment, constant support, fast delivery, and other features contribute to the benefits of online shopping.
However, striving to achieve the maximum advantage from the experience, the patient should search for a reliable and appreciated online drugstore. Avoid cooperation with fake and scam companies that distribute poor-quality drugs at hilariously low prices. Order from reputable online drugstores that guarantee safety and effectiveness of their drugs and reliability of provided services.